Thursday, March 18, 2010

Secret Shawl

Secret Shawl
Originally uploaded by knitkimberknit
I am working hard on a secret shawl project. I can't say who or what its for, but it's knitting up super nicely.

What else is new? Springtime is here and that means long hours at work from well February till end of May.

I went hiking last Sunday at Ravine Gardens, a beautiful Florida State Park. There are over 93000 azalea plants there. Only about half were in bloom when I was there. The cooler weather this winter has slowed the blooming of my most favorite flower.

I am working on numerous projects besides the shawl. I finished a pair of socks last night, and am working hard to finish a pair for a friend, Carrie. Its only taken me a year to get it done.

Snoopy and Mo are getting along well still. Snoopy has taken to sitting in my room looking out into the hallway and barking when he wants Mo to come play with him. This happens about 3 times a week, at the oddest hours. Like this morning at 5am. It is so odd, because Snoopy is not like most beagles. He doesn't howl at all, and doesn't bark often.

That's all I have for today. I am hoping for some crazy posts next week, (after all my birthday is around the corner)

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