Monday, February 1, 2010

Lonely loser dinner for one

I tend to go out for dinner by myself about one every two weeks or so. I actually enjoy it sometimes I bring a good book or I just people watch.

After a full day at the yarn shop on Saturday I took myself out to eat at Sonny's BBQ. How I love Sonny's. You really can't go wrong there, unless you are a vegetarian. My standard meal is BBQ chicken (that’s 4 pieces) fries cornbread and Mac and cheese. I also thought I earned some fried squash as well which was ehh, nothing to write home about. However BBQ leftovers for breakfast are amazing!

Currently I am moderating a group for locals on Ravelry called; Jax Ravelers, and we are having a Knit A Long each month. This month we are not doing any knitting or crocheting, instead it is, Choose your own adventure! There is a list of things to do and you get to pick what you want to work on. If you are on Ravelry please check it out. You don't have to live here to join in the fun either!!

It just occured to me the title of todays entry and it might bear a little explaination. For some reason I coined this phrase that phrase and it seems to have stuck. It almost lightens the mood when I am seated except for the occasional hostess who has no sense of humor. Lonely Loser dinner for one does not bother me at all. So please no pity. I would rather be single then stuck with some dork who has an issue with personal alone time.

1 comment:

Jackie's Stitches said...

I have not been to Sonny's in ages. Looks yummy!