Friday, December 12, 2008
Knit In public, the Winter Edition
I was thinking we need anotherKnit in public day now that the weather has cooled off. So after talking to fellow Ravelers I have finalized the info.
Day, time and location: Sunday, January 25, 2009, noon till duskish, Memorial Park in Jacksonville, Florida.
Check out this video of the park!
If you google Memorial Park Jacksonville, Florida it will be able to give you directions there.
Memorial Park is along the St. John's River and has stunning views and would be great for pictures of your finished projects!
Knitters, Crocheters, and spinners are welcome. Please tell all your friends. I am hoping to have at least one if not more raffles going on that afternoon. Who knows what could be up for raffles, project bags, needles, maybe a gift certificate for a LYS, fiber, sock yarn, hat patterns, etc.
Concerned are you about food and bathrooms? Right across the street is a Publix, Starbucks, and some food joints. (I planned ahead)
There are some benches, but you will definitely need to bring some extra chairs.
I hope you can make it!
Let's show Jax that knitters are NOTHING like the stereotype they think we are!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The awesomeness of Lorna's Laces
I love Lorna's laces yarn. I horde my skeins of Bullfrogs and Butterflies like a squirrel does his acorns & nuts. I have their sock yarn in tons of colors, but not my most favorite color combination in the world, Orange and Blue.
I was shocked to see someone on Ravelry who had Orange and Blue Lorna's Laces!!! I never knew they had that colorway. I begged the person for two skeins or even just 1 from their stash. No go. She wouldn't give it up. I called the store where she bought it from and they were all out and didn't know when they would get more in.
I asked my most favorite yarn stores, Hanks in Gainesville, Fl to ask around for me, still a no go.
Then I got an email from the Loopy Ewe. They had Team Colors in stock. "Team Colors," I thought I had better check it out.
And there sat the yarn. There was a golden halo around it as it called to me. Then i was signed in buying and paying for it within,oh, 2 nano-seconds. I don't even recall sending the send payment button.
The colors are great but what else can you expect from Lorna's Laces??
I lurve it so.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Howdy Friends!

my pupper dog
Originally uploaded by knitkimberknit
Snoopy and I would like to wish our American Friends a warm and Happy Thanksgiving!
For our non American friends or those who do not celebrate the day like Chandler Bing we hope ya'll have a sweet weekend!
I hope everyone has a good week, and let's hope I have more to blog about soon!
Monday, November 10, 2008
I love Etsy!!
It arrived today ( less then 48 hours later ) and I ripped into the box. The bag is so super cute and way big enough for a sock on the needles and a cake of yarn.
I smelled something lovely as well and there was a Lavender Sachet as a goody!! And a lovely handwritten note.
Faye's store name is The Silver Pumpkin, and here is a link,
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Kinnearing Kelley
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Yarns going to SAFF
Please keep an eye out for her booth full of her goodies and my yarns!
Thanks ya'll.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Welcome Yarn Harlow poster was a boatload of fun. I walked around the room and had tons of people sign it. It was great for me as I am somewhat shy most of the time, but I was definitely not at this event. I met some wonderful new friends.
Friends at the Yarn Harlot
I had made posters for the event, Trisha was kind enough to hold up the one that all my old and new fiber friends signed. I held up the poorly colored one. She was very kind and even kept the signed poster.
After meeting her in person and having her sign my book a group of us went out for dinner and had a great time!!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
For you Nole Fans
Look what I have done!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
whats what
Going from left to right from the top
Row 1.
Basic Toe up Pattern, Toe up Pattern with a Faux Cable, Toe up Patttern with a Faux Cable
Row 2.
Monkey Socks, Embossed Leaves, Toe up Pattern
Row 3.
Harlot's Basic Pattern, Spring Foward, and 56 stitch something pattern.
Summer of Socks
Thanks for letting me share!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Go Gators
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Gator Yarn!
Last night I plied it up, completely filling up one bobbin and will have to empty that one today and fill it up again!! The colors are gorgeous and I think this is how I set up my Kate. Like my favorite blogger and the queen of us lowly knitters says, "I do not call it a lazy kate" I can not seem to find any instructions on how to set it up. it seemed to work ok like this last night.
Pics within a few days of the finished yarn.
But first a weather report.. .... .....
Tropical storm/ Hurricane / what ever it is FAY, at the moment looks like it is going to hit Florida a 3rd time right around my house. Updates as they happen.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Are you still checking your boobs?
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
One night Stand with " Mike Rowe"
Trust me, you would have heard about it sooner.
Anywho, this is Mike Rowe, a One Night stand from She was kind enough to let 10+ knitters & fiber enthusiasts over to her house this past Sunday. Mike Rowe here, decided to come home with me. I love hot pinks and black, so I was instantly attracted to this batt. SInce he didn't have a name, I was able to name him...
Thanks for letting me share my newest Fiber!
On the socks front. I updated over -------------> today, check it out!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Hey ooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was a great wedding save the fact that I was the only loner girl there. Nothing like a pity dance for the girl without a date.
On to sock news. I have 1 pair completed for the Summer of Socks,. I have four completed single socks, and 4 socks on the needles. There are 5 pairs completed for the 52 Pair plunge.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. If you are near me and have a pool, let me know!! I need somewhere to go on Sunday!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Peek a boo
We did find one too! Snoopy got so excited he was howling which I think was the 3rd time I have ever heard him howl.
To any knitters on Facebook, you must add the Pieces of Flair application! It is a total time suck but it is fun and there are knitting pieces!
Fiber Tuesday you say? the past few days I have been setting the twist in stuff and experimenting, pics on Flickr.
Later taters
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Step up and Vote!
I have decided to attempt to complete 14 pairs of socks. That is a little over a pair a week but dag gummit I am going to do it.
Please note the poll in the upper right and place your vote! Thanks so much,
Yes it is still Tuesdays are for spinning so I will be doing that when I get home. I will be spinning up some, Throat Punch roving I scored on Etsy, from the KnitFrontandBack shop.
Peace out
Monday, June 16, 2008

I thought it was perty and that it needed a home.. He shall soon be a pair of socks. Pattern to be determined upon its arrival. It was bought here,
Go take a moment and look around.
( ps it had free shipping)
Dear Etsy Sellers
I like to randomly search a few times a week for color combinations that I like, add them to my favorites and check to see if they are sold on me.
and now begins my rant.
Dear Etsy Seller,
I will not name your name. I have not bought from you before nor will I be unless you drop your shipping price. I was curious as to why you sell a skein of dyed sock that that is over 430 yards for a measly $10.50. The colors where very beautiful and I had it added to my favorites list quickly.
Then I checked the price of shipping. at $6.50 I was a little flabbergasted. I understand why you priced your yarn so low for you to jack your shipping so high. Will you be giving me a tracking number and have it insured? Will it be encased in a bubble of air from the Arctic? I don't understand how your shipping could be so high. Yes you are in the United States as am I.
Explain yourself.
Or You could simply tack on the price of shipping to your total and be done with it. I wouldn't questions that at all.
Your Truly,
Avid Etsy buyer/ stalker
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Thanks Jill!
I soooo meant, what Yarn from my stash should I use! I have well enough to keep me satisfied for a while.
Now what I also forgot to mention is that if you leave a sock/pattern suggestion you score bonus points. Sometimes people on the out side can visualize a specific yarn in a pattern, if thats you, let me know!
( and you can leave your foot measurements as well, I can't gaurantee anything but one never knows!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Tuesdays are for Spinning

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Tag Alert
1. What was I doing 10 years ago? I was still in high school, a sophmore maybe? who knows I was sarcastic and I had a job.
2. What are five things on my to do list for today. See Indiana Jones, work on Monkey Socks, mail out a swap package, kiss my puppy then take him to get his nails did.
3. Snacks I enjoy... Cheez-its, popcorn, Hershey Bars
4.Things I would do if I were a billionaire... Quit my job, and travel.
5 . Places I have lived... Palm Valley, and two hellholes in Jacksonville
6. What jobs have I had... Ace Hardware cashier then a head cashier and also at a small market, then now at my current job as an admin assistant at a church.
copy the above paste to your blog take out my answer and put in your own. Tag at least 3is people to do the same.
haha yea i said it.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Good Grief
I can not stop buying sock yarn. In this picture you see what I believe added up to 56 skeins/ hanks of sock yarn.
And I have more sock yarn put away.. More pics to come soon.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Monkey sock swap package!! Love it~
Anywho I got home to see a package had arrived for me!! All kinds of treats were inside!
a Super Cute Stuffed Monkey, snackies oh Yum!, a Barrel Full of monkey games/candy,a Monkey wallet (which couldnt have come at a better time a need a little wallet for this weekend), monkey tissues, the Red Thread Socks Pattern which I have been coveting for a LONG time, beautiful Sock Yarn and the socks. Monkeys socks in the most awesome blue/ purpley Wollmeise yarn. Which I couldnt stop petting.
They fit perfectly too!!!
Thank you so much KitchKnits, I love love LOVE it all!!!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
hmm.. a bright pillow to be for Snoopy
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
well well
I was thinking today of Birthdays past. Parties I had at Pizza Hut when I was 8, when I turned 16 and had a horrible sleepover at my house. when I was married and had non exsistant birthdays.. and now.
Always I have had wonderfuls friends to share it with be in person and going bowling, or sharing laughs over the phone hundreds of miles away.
Last year I met new friends at my LYS. Friends that make me laugh, lift me up when times are hard, that invite me over for ymmy guac, teach me new things and are supportive and so valuable to me.
To close up I would like to leave you with a poem by the poet, Willam Stafford.
How far friends are! They forget you, most days. They have to, I know; but still
its lonely just being far and a friend. I put my hand out- this chair- this table-
so near: that's how to live.
Call up a friend? all right, but the phone itself is waht loves you, warm on your ear, on your hand. Or, lift a pen to write- it's not that far person but this familier pen that comforts.
Near things, Friend, here's my hand.
Good night my friends, see you soon!!!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Monkey Sock time!
First off, we have the completed Zombie socks for SockMadness. I think I finished them just under the wire there.
and Now,
Its time for Monkey sock swap!!
I am thrilled that this swap is back and I cant wait to cast on and meet some new friends!
here is my questionaire!
The Measurements
Shoe size: US 7
Foot length in inches: 9
Circumference: 8 inches
Yarn Preferences
What are your favorite colors? greens blues, HOT PINK& purple..
What color clashes with your wardrobe? Yellow even if its on my feet it makes me look like I need to barf
Do you prefer solids or variegated yarns? to wear any, to knit varigated
What are your favorite brand sock yarns? Lorna's Laces and Jitterbug
Is there a new sock yarn you really would like to try? as long as it a sport weight I am not picky! Fingering kinds kills my hands but if its cool looking, I will knit up.
Cookie A. Patterns
List the patterns you do not have but would like to receive: Pomatomas, Red Thread socks
Do you have any allergies that your pal needs to know about? (animals, fiber, sensitivity to smoke etc.) I am allergic to Cat Hair and to smoke.
Will you knitting be exposed to animals? Yes a one eared Beagle who loves to inspect my knitting
Will you knitting be exposed to cigarette smoke? Never ever
What country do you live in? USA
Are you willing to ship outside your country? sure
I am on ravelry as Knitkimberknit, are you on there?
Monday, March 17, 2008
I'm It!
Firstly, here are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog
2. Share seven facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird
3. Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Seven facts
1.I know all the words to the Kill Bill movies, quote them randomly and watch them all the time.
2. I am highly allergic to all berries and cherries.
3. I love to play games at
4. I prefer to fall asleep watching the Golden Girls TV show
5. I like watching trashy celeb gossip shows like: the Soup and TMZ
6. I can't go a day without having sweet tea
7. I <3 Mike rowe
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
wipe that nose!
Goof ball dog o mine
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Alpaca Expo
More pictures on my Flickr account.
I bought a blanket from a baby alpaca ( which means that they shaved him nekkid) And I started spinning it up last night. I like it a lot.
That's all for now, see ya'll later!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Devil Woman Socks
My dear friend Kathe, wanted to name them Tiger at twilight which is a fantastic name. However Devil Woman was playing on the old iPod Sunday night and thus, that is the new name of the socks. I am at toe stage on sock one. I hope to finish it up this Saturday, cast on for #2, and also pick up some more yarn for a new sweater.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Who me?
A few notes:
Mom is recovering quite nicely esp when she is on her pain medicene. I had a wee bit of a nasty cold, and am left with a cough and lots of nose blowing on my end.
As I am getting my strength back I have been spinning up a secret this week. Shhh, Pics to come after the person gets it!
What else? I think that is about it.
oh, one last thing, Let's all remind the Yarn Harlot about how wonderful it is here in sunny and warm Florida! WHo needs her snow when she can be at the beach super fast?
Peace out peeps!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
An update
Thanks to all, we are out of the dangerous woods but still have some fighting to go.
( ps. new Dirty Jobs is on tonight)
Monday, January 21, 2008
Its no wonder he nips at it with all I put him through.
Have a good Monday all!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Goofball and her wheel.
Pictures to come soon of finished first yarn and a Snoopy pic of him being tortured.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Quick post
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
New socks
Monday, January 14, 2008
Look what I can do mom!
the folks bought me half of a spinning wheel for Christmas!! It arrived the 3rd of January at the shop and I was able to pick it up this past Friday. It is a beautiful Majacraft Little Gem, and I love her so.
So I spun this up this evening. I need to spin up another bobbin later this week so I can get help plying this yarn.
I need a name for her ( the wheel not the yarn) ... or it could be a him who knows, any suggestions?
Hope to see everyone who spins this Sat, for Spinning Saturday at KnitWitz.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
Finished Object Alert!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
F*** Cancer
So what I ask from you are three things.
1. If you pray, please do so for her, or send some good mojo her way
2. To join me in October for the Breast Cancer walk.
3. I need a few Chemo caps. in anything but yellow. ( not a good color for her)
Thanks peeps. See you soon.